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Mozilla Firefox - Webbläsare
This feed is no longer available upstream. It is recorded here for historical interest only.Published by Anders F Bjorklund
- Overview
This is a Zero Install feed. To add this program to your Applications menu, choose Zero Install -> Add New Program from the Applications menu. e.g. on Ubuntu:
If you don't see this menu item, install the zeroinstall-injector package from your distribution's repository, or from 0install.net.
Drag the feed's URL to the dialog box that appears. Other environments may use other systems. For example, if you are a ROX desktop user, drag the link to AddApp instead.
Alternatively, to run it from the command-line:
$ 0launch http://afb.users.sourceforge.net/zero-install/interfaces/firefox6.xml
The 0alias command can be used to create a short-cut to run it again later.
If you don't have the 0launch command, download it from the 0install.net web-site, which also contains documentation about how the Zero Install system works.
- Full name
- Description
Den prisbelönta webbläsaren Firefox är säker, snabb, och innehåller funktioner som förändrar ditt sätt att se webben. Nöj dig inte med mindre.
- Description
El galardonado navegador web Firefox tiene seguridad, velocidad y nuevas características que cambiarán la manera en que que usas la web. No te conformes con menos.
- Description
Der preisgekrönte Webbrowser Firefox bietet Sicherheit, Geschwindigkeit und neue Funktionen, die die Art und Weise, wie Sie das Web nutzen, verändern werden. Entscheiden Sie sich für keinen anderen.
- Description
Le navigateur Web Firefox, maintes fois récompensé, est sûr, rapide et dispose de nouvelles fonctionnalités qui changeront la manière dont vous utilisez le Web. Ne vous contentez pas de moins.
- Description
The award-winning Firefox Web browser has security, speed and new features that will change the way you use the Web. Don't settle for anything less.
- Homepage
- Icon
- Available versions
The list below is just for information; Zero Install will automatically select one of these versions for you.
Version Released Stability Platform Download 6.0 2011-08-15 testing Linux-i686 Download (15083240 bytes) 6.0 2011-08-15 testing Linux-x86_64 Download (16667227 bytes) 6.0 2011-08-15 testing MacOSX-* Download (29445765 bytes) 6.0 2011-08-15 testing Windows-i386 Download (18649657 bytes) Non-Zero Install packages provided distributions can also provide this interface:
Distribution Package name Debian firefox RPM firefox Slack mozilla-firefox Ports firefox - Required libraries
This feed does not list any additional requirements.