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coffee-spec - A simple spec runner for CoffeeScript

Published by Tim Cuthbertson


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# A simple spec runner for CoffeeScript. You will need CoffeeScript: []( ## Writing tests: probably why you're here. It's very reminiscent of rspec. Here's a quick illustrative example: describe 'my lovely feature', -> it 'should rock your socks', -> socks = get_socks("yours") ok socks.are_rocked `describe` blocks can be nested, and are not required. The `assert` node library is automatically imported into the global scope for you. #### Writing _asynchronous_ tests: Since node is pervasively (and, in some cases, painfully) asynchronous, you'll need a hand testing out all that asynchronous code. It's reasonably painless though, I promise. If you want to have an asynchronous test, the body of your test should take a single argument, `pass`. Inside every asynchronous callback, you must call `pass()` with an optional description of what was checked (this is useful for debugging). So that coffee-spec knows when your test is complete, you *must* also tell it how many calls to `pass` it should expect your test to make. This is done by passing the number of expected calls to the `expect` function somewhere in the function body of your test (typically the first or last line). For example: it 'should iterate through a list asynchronously', (pass) -> [1, 2].asyncMap(((elem) -> elem + 1), (results) -> ok results[0] is 1 ok results[2] is 2 pass() [1].asyncMap(((elem) -> elem), (results) -> ok results.length is 1 pass('length check') expect 2 If either of the callbacks goes astray and never gets called, coffee-spec will wait for a full second and then fail your test. If you provide unique descriptions to each `pass` call, it'll print out the ones that it *did* receive, which will help you figure out which ones went astray. ## Building / Installing Locally: To install a symlink to the library in `~/.node_libraries`: make link or if you want to copy the javascript file instead of linking it: make copy If you change the source (in `src/`), you should run: make to regenerate any necessary javascript (under `lib`). ## Using it in your own project: spec: require 'coffee-spec' test_dir, opts, cb Where `cb` is optional, and `opts` is a dictionary containing any of the following: - **compile**: compile tests to intermediate files. If `true`, `temp_dir` bust also be given. - **temp\_dir**: directory to place temporary (compiled) tests. This will be created if it does not already exist, but will *not* be deleted afterwards - **verbose**: if `true`, test names will be output as they are run If `cb` is given, it will be called after all tests have been run, with the number of passed and failed tests. e.g: test_dir, opts, (passed, failed) -> if failed > 0 throw new Error("failed " + failed + "tests") ## Considerations: `coffee-spec` requires access to the coffee-script source libraries (`coffee-script.js` and friends). If you use the zero install feed at, coffee-script will be placed on `$NODE_PATH` appropriately ## TODO: - setup/teardown for `describe` blocks - make it fall-back to using only the `coffee` binary if libs are not available

Available versions

The list below is just for information; Zero Install will automatically select one of these versions for you.

0.22011-03-28AnyDownload (3967 bytes)
0.32011-03-30AnyDownload (4172 bytes)
0.3.12011-04-03AnyDownload (4224 bytes)
0.3.22011-06-21AnyDownload (4300 bytes)
0.42012-02-07AnyDownload (4302 bytes)
Required libraries

The list below is just for information; Zero Install will automatically download any required libraries for you.