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mkzero - zero-install feed publishing utility

Published by Tim Cuthbertson


This is a Zero Install feed. To add this program to your Applications menu, choose Zero Install -> Add New Program from the Applications menu. e.g. on Ubuntu:

Adding with GNOME

If you don't see this menu item, install the zeroinstall-injector package from your distribution's repository, or from

Drag the feed's URL to the dialog box that appears. Other environments may use other systems. For example, if you are a ROX desktop user, drag the link to AddApp instead.

Alternatively, to run it from the command-line:

$ 0launch

The 0alias command can be used to create a short-cut to run it again later.

If you don't have the 0launch command, download it from the web-site, which also contains documentation about how the Zero Install system works.

Full name



mkzero is a wrapper around 0publish to make publishing and updating zero install feeds simple. It's sort of like a lightweight version of [0release]. But while 0release requires VCS integration and a releases directory and tags a handful of build steps, `mkzero` requires very little, and allows you to quickly publish new versions of your feeds. It's designed so that you can have your own alias to it, specifying as much default information as is reasonable. For example, the author uses the following alias: alias mkzero-gfxmonk='0launch \ \ --namespace="" \ --dest="$HOME/Sites/gfxmonk/dist/0install"' Given this alias, often the only required invocation is: version + mkzero-gfxmonk feed-name.xml To increment the current project's version number, create an artifact, add it to the feed file, sign it with my GPG key and copy it to the build directory of my website (which another script will rsync to the remote server). (The `version` command above refers to ) ### Required information: **URI**: Obviously, your feed needs an interface URI. This should not change between invocations. If you don't want to provide the full URI, you can use the `--namespace` argument to provide the base URI, and your feed's filename will be appended to get the full URI. **version**: If not given, this is assumed to be the contents of the `VERSION` file in the current directory. If `mkzero` uses this default, you will be prompted to accept the suggested version number. If `$build/feed-name-$version.tgz` already exists, you will be prompted to overwrite it. If version is "date", `mkzero` will generate a version of the form: "YYYYMMDD.HHMM" **path(s)**: The paths to include in your artifact (.tgz). You can use `--path` multiple times to include multiple top-level files or directories. If not given, the basename of your feed file is assumed to be the single file or directory to include (i.e for foo.xml, it would assume that only "foo" is to go in the artifact). ### Paths used by mkzero: **0inst/** mkzero assumes a build directory of 0inst/ for placing the generated .tgz files. You can pass --build or -b to change this default. ### Optional information: **dest**: If supplied, mkzero will copy the following files into `dest`: - _feed-name_.xml -> `$dest`/ - `$build`/_feed-name_-`$version`.tgz -> `$dest`/_feed-name_/ After copying the feed xml file, mkzero will sign it with your default GPG key in order to enable remote execution. -------- For full usage, see `mkzero --help`

Available versions

The list below is just for information; Zero Install will automatically select one of these versions for you.

0.20100731.00262010-07-31AnyDownload (1894 bytes)
0.20100731.00522010-07-31AnyDownload (1912 bytes)
0.20110103.18462011-01-03AnyDownload (1914 bytes)
0.20110731.17082011-07-31AnyDownload (1913 bytes)
0.20111010.20552011-10-10AnyDownload (1970 bytes)
0.20120511.10502012-05-11AnyDownload (1961 bytes)
Required libraries

The list below is just for information; Zero Install will automatically download any required libraries for you.