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proot - ptrace-based chroot

Published by Tim Cuthbertson


This is a Zero Install feed. This software cannot be run as an application directly. It is a library for other programs to use.

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Full name


PRoot is a user-space implementation of chroot, mount --bind, and binfmt_misc. This means that users don't need any privilege or setup to do things like: using an arbitrary directory as the new root filesystem, making files accessible somewhere else in the filesystem hierarchy, or executing programs built for another CPU architecture transparently through QEMU user-mode. Also, developers can add their own features or use PRoot as a Linux process instrumentation engine thanks to its extension mechanism. Technically PRoot relies on ptrace, an unprivileged system-call available in every Linux kernel.


Available versions

The list below is just for information; Zero Install will automatically select one of these versions for you.

2.3.1-postSource codeDownload (130441 bytes)
2.3.1-post2013-03-17Linux-x86_64Download (47195 bytes)
Required libraries

The list below is just for information; Zero Install will automatically download any required libraries for you.