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python-pea - minimal BDD library for python

Published by Tim Cuthbertson


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Full name


pea - The tiniest green vegetable. ------------------------------------- **pea** is a minimal BDD framework for python, in the style of ruby's `cucumber`_ and python's `lettuce`_. It aims to help you write the same kind of tests - but in straight-up python code, without all the parsing and indirection and other hoops to jump through. It's a lot like ruby's `coulda`_. Benefits of cucumber-style testing include: - You write your tests in clear, english language without inline code - Your tests are human-readable, and hopefully human-editable - You can re-use steps with confidence, because they all do exactly what they say on the tin Benefits of ``pea`` over ``lettuce``, ``cucumber``, etc: - It's a really trivial library (thus the name). It doesn't do very much, so it probably doesn't have many bugs - Your features are just python code: - No "BDD language parser" needed - No regular expressions - Stack traces make sense - Syntax highlighting - You can use `ctags`_ to jump between test & implementation, as well as for method completion - Managing and renaming functions is much easier than managing regexes - You can use whatever abstractions you like - You can use rich python objects as arguments, instead of parsing strings - It doesn't need its own test runner; so you can just use `nose`_ to run it alongside your unit tests So how do I use it? -------------------------------------- Here's a minimal example:: from pea import * @step def I_go_to_the_store(): world.location='store' world.cart = [] @step def I_buy_some(item): world.cart.append(item) @step def I_go_home(): world.location = 'home' @step def I_have_some_delicious(item): assert item in world.cart world.assertEquals(world.location, 'home') # -------------------- class TestShopping(TestCase): def test_buying_some_peas(self): Given.I_go_to_the_store() When.I_buy_some('peas') And.I_go_home() Then.I_have_some_delicious('peas') ... and when you run it (with nosetests, in verbose mode): .. image:: Typically you would put your steps in a separate python module (or many), but it's your choice. Basics: ^^^^^^^ - ``@step`` adds your function to pea's registry of steps, which allows them to be called via ``Given``, ``When``, ``And``, and ``Then``. - To re-use a step from inside another step, just call the function! Stuff to remember: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Make sure you inherit from ``pea.TestCase`` (and call ``super`` from ``setUp``/``tearDown``), as it takes care of resetting the ``world`` between tests. - You can use ``TestCase`` assertion methods on the world, too - e.g. ``world.assertEquals(expected, actual)`` Pea works well with `rednose`_ .. _cucumber: .. _coulda: .. _lettuce: .. _ctags: .. _nose: .. _rednose:

Available versions

The list below is just for information; Zero Install will automatically select one of these versions for you.

0.12011-01-30AnyDownload (4370 bytes)
0.1.12011-05-02AnyDownload (4410 bytes)
Required libraries

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