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Zero Install Publishing Tools - helps you create and update Zero Install feeds

Published by Bastian Eicher


This is a Zero Install feed. This software cannot be run as an application directly. It is a library for other programs to use.

For more information about Zero Install, see

Full name


Zero Install uses feeds, XML files on the internet, to describe applications and how to download them. The Zero Install Publishing Tools allow you to create your own feeds. It consists of two main components: the Feed Editor (split with screen graphical and XML view) and the New Feed Wizard (walks you through the entire feed creation process, automatically extracts metadata when possible)


Zero Install verwendet Feeds, XML Dateien im Internet, um Anwendungen sowie deren Download zu beschreiben. Die Zero Install Publishing Tools ermöglichen es Ihnen, Ihre eigenen Feeds zu erstellen. Sie bestehen aus zwei Hauptkomponenten: Der Feed Editor (Split Screen mit grafischer und XML Ansicht) und der New Feed Wizard (leitet Sie durch den kompletten Feed-Erstellungsprozess, extrahiert automatisch Metadaten wenn möglich)




Available versions

No versions are available for downlad.

Required libraries

This feed does not list any additional requirements.