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irank - music rating tools

Published by Tim Cuthbertson


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Full name



A collection of tools for managing music ratings. Here's a brief description of the most common commands: (assuming you have run `0alias irank`) ----- irank edit <filename>: Edit the ratings assigned to a file. irank rhythmbox: Monitor rhytmbox for changes, and allow editing of the current track. irank playlists: Generate playlist folders in the configured "irank" directory, where each playlist is a folder of that name containing symlinks to the real location of all matched tracks (these are all the files within the configured "music" directory). irank rating-sync: Used with the android app, to apply modified ratings to the original files. Various configuration files are used to tell irank what music to index and where to put its results, here's an example of mine: ~/.config/irank/paths: (where to find things, in yaml key/value format) ----- music: ~/Music/Library irank: ~/Music/irank android: /media/DESIRE/MP3 ~/.config/irank/ratings: (a list of the crieria you want to use to rate songs) ----- rating Mood Pop Softness Hardcore Nostalgia ~/.config/irank/playlists (yaml file, where the values are in the form of sqlite conditions) ----- angry: rating>2 and Mood<3 and Hardcore>0 and Pop<3 car: rating>2 and Pop>2 and Hardcore<2 and Mood>3 fun: rating>2 and Mood>3 and Hardcore<3 and Softness<4 soft: rating>1 and Softness>2 and Mood>2 and Pop<5 new: datetime(updated_at, 'unixepoch') > datetime('NOW', 'localtime', '-4 months') and rating > 0 new_good: datetime(updated_at, 'unixepoch') > datetime('NOW', 'localtime', '-4 months') and rating > 3 Metadata is stored inside the comment field of the file, in the form "[key=value]". I have changed operating systems and music players a handful of times since origininally writing irank, and this is the best way to keep them portable that I know of.

Available versions

The list below is just for information; Zero Install will automatically select one of these versions for you.

0.1.22010-10-16AnyDownload (27100 bytes)
0.1.32010-10-16AnyDownload (27101 bytes)
0.1.42010-11-07AnyDownload (31099 bytes)
0.1.52010-12-07AnyDownload (31108 bytes)
0.1.62010-12-23AnyDownload (31126 bytes)
0.1.72011-05-22AnyDownload (18576 bytes)
0.22011-05-29AnyDownload (20563 bytes)
0.3.12011-08-04AnyDownload (23191 bytes)
0.3.22012-04-28AnyDownload (24345 bytes)
Required libraries

The list below is just for information; Zero Install will automatically download any required libraries for you.