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db4 - The Berkeley DB database library (version 4) for C

This feed is no longer available upstream. It is recorded here for historical interest only.

Published by Daniel Tschan


This is a Zero Install feed. This software cannot be run as an application directly. It is a library for other programs to use.

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Full name


The Berkeley Database (Berkeley DB) is a programmatic toolkit that provides embedded database support for both traditional and client/server applications. The Berkeley DB includes B+tree, Extended Linear Hashing, Fixed and Variable-length record access methods, transactions, locking, logging, shared memory caching, and database recovery. The Berkeley DB supports C, C++, Java, and Perl APIs. It is used by many applications, including Python and Perl, so this should be installed on all systems.


Available versions

The list below is just for information; Zero Install will automatically select one of these versions for you.

4.8.302010-10-22Linux-x86_64Download (628337 bytes)

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Required libraries

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