Zero Install Mirror

» Main » Thomas Leonard

Thomas Leonard

Retired feeds:
Feed Impls Last updated Summary
0compile (retired) 0 2021-03-21 create a binary release from source code
0export 5 2021-03-21 create self-installing bundles for distribution on CD
0install (retired) 0 2021-03-21 decentralised installation system
0install (retired) 0 2021-03-22 decentralised installation system
0install-runenv-cli (retired) 0 2021-03-21 0install .NET helper for Windows
0install-windows-support 2 2020-01-05 support for 0install on Windows
0publish (retired) 0 2021-03-21 utility to make creating injector interfaces easier
0publish-gui (retired) 0 2021-03-21 GTK editor for Zero Install feeds
0release (retired) 0 2021-03-21 manage new releases with Zero Install
0repo (retired) 0 2021-03-21 manage a repository of 0install feeds
0share 1 2019-11-09 peer-to-peer sharing of Zero Install packages
0template (retired) 0 2021-03-21 utility to make creating feeds easier
0test (retired) 0 2021-03-21 test Zero Install programs
abiword 2 2019-11-09 AbiWord Word Processor
AddApp 11 2014-01-30 create ROX application launchers
APBuild 2 2007-11-24 a suite of portability tools for developers
Appearance 2 2009-05-03 GTK and Icon theme configuration
Archive 5 2014-01-29 create or read archive files
armagetronad 2 2019-11-09 a Tron clone in 3D
ATK-dev 4 2013-05-13 headers for compiling ATK applications
Blender 11 2020-02-15 a versatile 3D animation creation suite
Ceylon-compiler (retired) 2 2011-11-26 compiler, documentation compiler, and launcher
Ceylon-runtime (retired) 2 2011-11-26 core runtime classes for Ceylon
Ceylon-spec (retired) 2 2011-11-26 parser, typechecker and specification for the Ceylon language
clutter 2 2013-05-13 creating fast, visually rich and animated graphical user interfaces
clutter-gtk 2 2013-05-13 embed clutter in GTK
deb2zero 6 2021-03-21 create Zero Install feeds from Debian packages
Delight 3 2008-10-26 build tool for the Delight language
Delight-gcc 9 2008-10-26 core GCC-based compiler for Delight
Delight-stdlib 9 2008-10-26 the Delight standard library
Django 1 2013-05-13 the Web framework for perfectionists with deadlines
Dome 2 2011-02-22 GTK-based XML editor
ebox 4 2021-03-21 instance manager for E programs
ebox-chat 1 2013-09-17 sandboxed chat program
ebox-help 1 2013-09-17 EBox help viewer
Edit 8 2011-04-10 simple text editor
edit 1 2013-09-17 E text editor
FeedLint (retired) 0 2021-03-21 check your Zero Install feeds
Freetype2 6 2013-03-06 free, portable library for digital typography
Gamma 1 2009-01-25 set the gamma correction for your screen
GDC 5 2013-05-13 D Compiler for GCC
gimp-native (retired) 1 2010-03-20 test for distribution integration
git-core (retired) 1 2013-05-13 fast, scalable, distributed revision control system
GLib-dev 1 2013-05-13 headers for compiling GLib applications
GLib-dev 16 2013-03-01 headers for compiling GLib applications
GLibmm-dev 3 2013-05-13 headers for compiling C++ GLib applications
gnome-inform7 3 2013-05-13 GNOME port of the Inform 7 IDE
GNU Hello (retired) 1 2010-04-25 produces a familiar, friendly greeting
groundhog 3 2013-05-13 A simple logic game
GTK-2.4 4 2020-01-05 set up a GTK 2.4 build environment
GTK-dev 4 2019-11-09 headers for compiling GTK applications
gtkdc 1 2007-06-03 client for the Direct Connect network
GTKmm-dev 3 2013-05-13 headers for compiling C++ GTK applications
Inkscape 6 2020-01-05 an SVG-based vector drawing application
Keyboard 4 2009-04-18 keyboard configuration applet
libapr1 4 2013-05-13 the Apache Portable Runtime Library
libaprutil1 4 2013-05-13 the Apache Portable Runtime Utility Library
libaudio2 1 2009-05-03 the Network Audio System (NAS)
libcomerr2 3 2013-05-13 common error description library
libcurl3-gnutls 3 2022-02-06 Multi-protocol file transfer library
libdb4.4 1 2007-06-03 Berkeley v4.4 Database Libraries
libdb4.6 3 2013-05-13 Berkeley v4.6 Database Libraries [runtime]
libenchant1 2 2007-07-01 a wrapper library for various spell checker engines
libexpat1 3 2013-05-13 XML parsing C library
libgcrypt11 3 2022-02-06 LGPL Crypto library - runtime library
libglade-dev 2 2013-03-01 headers for compiling Glade applications
libgnutls13 1 2009-05-03 the GNU TLS library
libgnutls26 3 2013-05-13 the GNU TLS library - runtime library
libgpg-error0 3 2013-05-13 library for common error values and messages in GnuPG components
libgucharmap4 2 2007-07-01 unicode browser widget library
libkeyutils1 3 2013-05-13 Linux Key Management Utilities (library)
libkrb53 3 2013-05-13 MIT Kerberos runtime libraries
libldap-2.4-2 3 2020-01-05 OpenLDAP libraries
libldap2 1 2007-06-03 run-time libraries for the OpenLDAP servers and clients
libmng1 3 2013-05-13 Multiple-image Network Graphics library
libmysqlclient15off 3 2013-05-13 MySQL database client library
libneon26 2 2007-11-24 an HTTP and WebDAV client library
libneon27-gnutls 3 2013-05-13 An HTTP and WebDAV client library (GnuTLS enabled)
libpq4 1 2007-06-03 PostgreSQL C client library
libpq5 3 2013-05-13 PostgreSQL C client library
libqt-mt3 2 2009-05-03 Qt GUI Library (threaded runtime version)
libsasl2-2 3 2013-05-13 Cyrus SASL - authentication abstraction library
libsdl-image1.2 3 2013-05-13 image loading library for Simple DirectMedia Layer 1.2
libsdl-mixer1.2 3 2013-05-13 mixer library for Simple DirectMedia Layer 1.2
libserf-0-0 3 2013-05-13 high-performance asynchronous HTTP client library
libsqlite3-0 3 2013-05-13 SQLite 3 shared library
libssl0.9.8 6 2020-01-05 SSL shared libraries
libsvn1 3 2013-05-13 shared libraries used by Subversion
libtasn1-3 3 2013-05-13 Manage ASN.1 structures (runtime)
libuuid1 3 2013-05-13 universally unique id library
libvorbis0a 3 2013-05-13 The Vorbis General Audio Compression Codec
libvorbisfile3 3 2013-05-13 The Vorbis General Audio Compression Codec
Libwnck 1 2009-01-25 pager library
libxml2 (retired) 3 2020-01-05 GNOME XML library
libxml2-dev 4 2011-04-16 headers for libxml2
Lincity 1 2007-06-03 city simulation game
LyX 1 2019-11-09 WYSIWYM(ean) document processor
lzmadec 0 2009-01-17 small and fast LZMA decoder
Make-headers 3 2019-11-09 creates -dev packages
Memo 7 2010-08-17 alarm clock and reminder list
MIME-Editor 3 2010-02-13 edit the file type database
Mouse 4 2009-04-18 mouse configuration applet
Mutt 1 2019-11-09 text-based mail client
mysql-common 2 2013-05-13 MySQL database common files
opencity 1 2019-11-09 OpenCity Simulation Game
OpenEuclide 1 2007-06-03 2D geometry software
openjdk-6-jdk (retired) 6 2012-10-11 OpenJDK Development Kit (JDK)
openjdk-6-jre (retired) 7 2012-10-11 OpenJDK Java runtime
OroboROX 3 2009-01-25 window manager for the ROX Desktop
Pager 3 2009-01-25 pager applet
Pango-dev 7 2020-01-05 headers for compiling Pango applications
pkg2zero 1 2021-03-21 create Zero Install feeds from Debian and RPM packages
pkg2zero-testdata 1 2019-11-09 data for unit-tests
PySol 1 2019-11-09 a collection of more than 200 solitaire card games
python-clutter 2 2013-05-13 Python bindings for the clutter library
python-clutter 3 2013-05-13 Python bindings for the clutter library
Reinteract-ROX 1 2008-05-17 a system for interactive experimentation with python
Resolution 2 2014-01-29 Change screen resolution dynamically
ROX-All 2 2014-01-29 launchers for popular ROX applications
ROX-CLib 1 2009-05-03 C library for ROX programs
ROX-Defaults 3 2014-02-07 a default configuration for ROX
ROX-Filer 5 2013-02-25 fast and powerful file manager
ROX-Filer 1 2013-03-21 ROX-Filer
ROX-Filer 27 2015-09-14 fast and powerful file manager
ROX-Filer-FreeBSD-x86 1 2013-02-25 fast and powerful file manager
ROX-Lib2 18 2010-02-13 library for ROX applications
ROX-Session 6 2014-02-07 sets up a ROX desktop session
S.C.O.U.R.G.E. 1 2007-06-03 rogue-like game in the tradition of NetHack and Moria
SCons 4 2020-01-05 a software construction tool
sear 1 2007-06-03 Sear - a client for Worldforge
SERSCIS workbench (retired) 1 2011-01-31 simulator for critical infrastructure services
serscis-access-modeller (retired) 36 2013-02-26 modelling access propagation in capability systems
solfege (retired) 1 2013-08-23 smarten your ears
Stellarium 1 2019-11-09 a beautiful night sky simulator
Subversion 3 2013-05-13 advanced version control system
Supertux 1 2007-06-03 2D jump'n run sidescroller game
System 1 2009-01-25 process and disk monitor
Tango 2 2008-09-22 developer's Library for D
Test-Hello (retired) 1 2009-04-12 demonstration package
Tgif 1 2019-11-09 interactive 2-D drawing tool
Ting-core 3 2012-12-18 core libraries for building Ting services
UserModeLinux 2 2019-11-09 run Linux inside itself
vdrift 1 2010-01-31 VDrift
Visual-ldd (retired) 1 2010-03-20 tool that shows library dependancies in a tree
Wallpaper 3 2009-01-25 set the desktop background image
Xara Xtreme 1 2019-11-09 cross-platform vector artwork and photocomposition package
XdgUtils 2 2007-07-28 cross-desktop integration tools
xzdec 0 2011-03-13 XZ Decompressor
Zero2Bundle 2 2014-01-29 create ROX application bundles
Zero2Desktop 2 2019-11-09 add Zero Install programs to your Applications menu
ZeroInstall-GUI 0 2019-11-09 graphical interface for the Zero Install injector
ZeroInstall-GUI 0 2019-11-09 graphical interface for the Zero Install injector
ZeroInstall-GUI 6 2019-11-09 graphical interface for the Zero Install injector
GPG key Fingerprint
Thomas Leonard 92429807C9853C0744A68B9AAE07828059A53CC1
Automatic converter 617794D7C3DFE0FFF572065C0529FDB71FB13910
Thomas Leonard 4CFBD0B5B7102BF66E9F12AEFBCAE33FC2DE322B
Thomas Leonard DA9825AECAD089757CDABD8E07133F96CA74D8BA